In previous years, Living Green held documentary film screenings and hosted green speakers at the uptown theatre in downtown Barrie. When the pandemic hit and the theatre closed, we had to pivot this program to online webinars and other events. Now, the “GreenScreen” program is all about educating our community to take action on climate with our “10 Actions for Climate”.

10 Actions for Climate


All month long follow us for good news stories about climate and the environment. Optimism is the path to action. It’s not too late to change.


Choose green investments and purchases. Use your money wisely.


Reuse & repurpose. Reduce & refuse. Stop wasting food. A lot in happening in April this year including our Earth Day Rain Barrel and Native Tree & Shrub Sale. April also brings ‘Spring-Into Clean’ month with the City of Barrie, an initiative developed by Living Green Barrie originally!


It’s simple. Trees absorb carbon and release oxygen. So far we have planted 3995 trees in Barrie and area and are closer to reaching our goal of 10,000 trees for Barrie.


Vote, lobby, protest, learn, and let leaders know you care.


Bike, walk, make the switch to electric or use public transit. Thank you to everyone who came out to the 2022 Tread Lightly Electric Vehicle Show.


Be energy efficient in hot and cold seasons. This August, look forward to a virtual tour of some local energy efficient homes. Sustainable Homes Barrie Video coming soon.


Eat less meat. Support local farmers or grow your own. Share your garden harvest this September at our HarvestShare event. The donations from your home-grown produce will go to local community service agencies in Barrie.


Join our community tree plantings. Yep, this is so important, it’s on our list twice! Mark your calendars for our fall community tree planting on October 29th, 2022 (registration will be required).


Quality over quantity. Do you need it or want it? This action is in November because it falls during a busy shopping time with the holidays around the corner. Looking for tips to ‘Green Your Holidays’? We will be sharing tips during November.

Past Webinar Recordings

Intro to Green Investing

Webinar Recording

Harvest the Rain

Webinar Recording

Sustainable Homes Presentation

Webinar Recording


Thank you to our 2022 GreenScreen sponsors: